The Ennis Yoga Studio, Friary Car Park, Francis Street, Ennis, County Clare


Zara Madden Kent

I'm Zara Madden Kent. I have been practicing yoga for over 25 years and I believe that yoga is the path to optimum health and wellness of body and mind. As a mother to three children who are involved in competitive sports and the performing arts and knowing the benefits that yoga has to offer athletes and anyone suffering from pressure to perform, anxiety, stage jitters or exam stress, I searched for a yoga class for my children. When I was unable to find a suitable yoga class for them, I decided to create my own!

My passion and love for yoga and the knowledge of what it can offer to children and teenagers is what led me to dive wholeheartedly into Children's Yoga Teacher Training. I decided from the start that I would become a Specialist in Yoga for Children and Teenagers. Children and teenagers deserve and need yoga as much as adults and I wanted to provide them with the opportunity to practice yoga.

I completed my Children's Yoga Teacher Training at The Elbowroom, Dublin, Ireland's most comprehensive Children's Yoga Teacher Training course (Yoga Alliance Uk Professionals Accredited) and went to New York City to complete my Teen Yoga Teacher Training at Karma Kids Yoga.

I am also a Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, Yin Yoga Teacher and Restorative Yoga Teacher. I am fully qualified, insured and garda vetted.

I held my first Children's Yoga Classes at The Ennis Yoga Studio in June 2016. Namaste Youth Yoga was born and I had found my true calling. My yoga classes began to fill with amazing and fabulous children and teenagers who love yoga as much as I do.

Soon after I started receiving bookings to bring my Namaste Youth Yoga Programme to Schools and started hosting yoga camps and workshops. 

I continue to practice and study yoga, in fact I am never not learning. I regularly take yoga workshops and Teacher Trainings to update my skills and keep things fresh, fun, relevant and interesting for my yoga students.

I am honoured to share the gift of yoga with every child and teenager who takes my yoga classes and I care deeply about each and every yoga student and their well-being.

I thank all my Yoga Teachers and Yoga Teacher Trainers who have helped me to get to here. 

It is my absolute privilege to bring yoga to the next generation.


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