The Ennis Yoga Studio, Friary Car Park, Francis Street, Ennis, County Clare

Yoga for Teens

A teenager's life can be very stressful sometimes due to exam pressure, social media and other issues. Yoga aids in maintaining a calm nature. Teenagers who practice yoga will learn breathing and relaxation techniques to help them deal with stressful situations.

Yoga relaxes the mind and body. It strengthens the muscles while building flexibility. More and more children and teens are practicing yoga and many schools have also embraced yoga, mindfulness and meditation and included it in their curriculum or offered it as P.E. Yoga can help to maintain a balance between a hectic schedule and a healthy lifestyle.

girl meditating with yoga in woods

The physical practice of yoga can help teenagers to improve coordination, balance, strength, flexibility and body awareness. Some yoga poses can improve the immune system and some yoga poses can help in detoxifying the body.

Yogic breathing techniques can also promote increased concentration. It is a proven fact that practicing yoga daily enhances the functioning of the brain and helps teenagers to focus better. It is found that practicing yoga regularly increases patience, reduces impulsivity and improves the capability to maintain attention.

Yoga not only reduces stress and increases flexibility and strength but can help each individual find better sleep. Lack of quality sleep is common among teens nowadays due to the increase in stress levels. Yoga poses, meditation, relaxation and visualisation performed before bedtime can prepare the body for deep sleep.

The teen years can be extremely difficult. Teenagers have to go through a lot of challenges related to academics, pressure that can come in many forms or other life situations. Yoga can help teens to have a better understanding of their emotions. The nature of yoga also develops self-love, self-acceptance, compassion and is a form of selfcare.