The Ennis Yoga Studio, Friary Car Park, Francis Street, Ennis, County Clare

Yoga for Schools

Wellness, well-being, anti-bullying, inclusion and mental health are common themes and concerns in schools today.
Schools are now focussed on educating the whole child, mind, body and spirit. Yoga, by nature, supports this learning.

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The following are some of the benefits of yoga to support the whole child and their education;

  • Relieves stress, tension and anxiety caused by exams.
  • Offers the chance to have beneficial exercise and relaxation in the school day.
  • Encourages a calmer state of being which is a very receptive state for learning and studying.
  • Helps to strengthen the core to help students to sit for long periods.
  • Improves spinal flexibility and stretches the muscles which offers relief to sitting.
  • Invites students into the here and now to be fully present for learning.
  • Promotes the connection of body and mind.
  • Helps memory, comprehension, focus, and concentration.
  • Allows for time to reflect and reduces reactivity and impulsivity.
  • Supports better listening skills and attention span.
  • Encourages and supports creativity and individuality.
  • Improves communication and social skills.
  • Enhances balance and motor skills.
  • Gives pupils healthy ways to balance and express their emotions.
  • Promotes connectedness and a sense of community in the classroom.
  • Creates an atmosphere of non-competitiveness, inclusion and compassion.
  • Supports confidence and self-esteem.
  • Inspires self-respect and respect for others.
  • Results in a calm and harmonious classroom.

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